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Visar inlägg från februari, 2020

Black history, family and sweet, sweet love by Beverly Jenkins

Author: Beverly Jenkins Title: Tempest Series: Old West #3 Publisher: Avon Published: 2018 Genre: Historical romance Links:  Bokus  /  Adlibris  /  Goodreads My first Beverly Jenkins was , can you believe it, a recommendation from another  bookstagrammer. Whaaaa, how can this be?! Well, I'm reading a lot - and I mean a lot - of white romance. I don't know why, maybe it just comes naturally? Anyway, I'm sick of myself only choosing books with white protags. I read A Gentleman Never Keeps Score by the glorious Cat Sebastian, which has a black protagonist and I thought to myself "When's the last time I read a book with a main character who wasn't white?". The answer? Way too long! So, it's a good think I've got @now_booking  showing me the error of my ways, spouting out black romance books left and right *clapping hands woop*. Her Beverly Jenkins-binge inspired me to listen to one of the two audiobooks I had saved on my audiobook service. An...

Geekiness and forearm fantasies by Juliette Cross

Author: Juliette Cross Title: Wolf Gone Wild Series: Stay a Spell Publisher: Juliette Cross Published: 2020 Genre: Paranormal romance Links:  Bokus  /  Adlibris  /  Goodreads I really shouldn't keep saying I don't like shifter/werewolf books. It's just getting awkward when I'm proven wrong... This is another recommendation from the never-ending well that is Bookstagram and this time, it's the fabulous Romancebookjunkie , telling us to read this light paranormal romance. She, as well as I, is tired of the dark paranormals that have taken over the romance world. They have their place, but sometimes you just want to read something light and fluffy and hot. This is it! For starters, both Mateo and Evie are lovable characters. Mateo is a sweet, artistic loner who has a dominate and possessive side without ever losing his sweetness. Alpha is also lovable, but in an entirely different way *smirking emoji*. Evie is smart, funny, geeky and compassionate and ...

The Rogue of Fifth Avenue by Joanna Shupe

Author: Joanna Shupe Title: The Rogue of Fifth Avenue Series: Uptown Girls Publisher: Avon Published: 2019 Genre: Historical romance Links:  Bokus  /  Adlibris  /  Goodreads I am a loyal bookstagrammer and spend way too much time on the Instagram platform, browsing for book recommendations, reading captions and reviews, getting to know my fellow bookstagrammers. One of these grammers is  @feminist_romance (she's also a blogger, check it out , if you wish). Anyway, she's a feminist romance lover - just like me! - and so I usually trust her judgement on books.  And look at that cover. Of course I had to read it!  Sure, I haven't always loved everything fiercely, but I have never hated them. This one was no exception. Or well, I loved it. This won't be a long review, because it's mostly swoon. Mamie and Frank. Frank and Mamie. What did I think, you ask? I think this was good. I think this was feminist, fun, passionate and lovely. I thin...

Books, love and monsters with Jenny Colgan

Author: Jenny Colgan Title: The Bookshop on the Shore Publisher: Sphere Published: 2019 Genre: Contemporary fiction/feelgood Links:  Bokus  /  Adlibris  /  Goodreads It's been awhile since I last read a Colgan book. I think I read 3 or 4 in a row and then had to take a break (as I usually do when I've over-expended an author). I didn't even realise she'd released anything new until I stumbled upon this at the library. I did not read the hardback version, though, because I then found it as an audiobook and that's more my jam. I settled in for a light read of dreams, obstacles and love. Boy, did I get something more! This book is about Zoe, a single mom living hand-to-mouth in London with her four year old son. She struggles with money, her ex, work, a good home and the fact that Hari, her son, doesn't speak. And now rent is going up. She is, in a word, unhappy. And also exhausted. And terrified of a future with no home. Getting the opportunity to move t...

Vargblod av Sara Dalengren

Författare: Sara Dalengren Titel: Vargblod Serie: Flocken #3 Förlag: Seraf Förlag Genre: Paranormal Romance Länkar:  Bokus  |  Adlibris  |  Goodreads Det är fantastiskt roligt när man läser en serie och den bara blir bättre ju längre man läser. Denna tjocka bok med Stefan och Lukas som huvudkaraktärer hade mig uppe sent på kvällarna för att jag inte ville sluta läsa. Lukas är definitivt min favoritkaraktär och Stefan passar bra ihop med honom. Något jag gillade i denna bok var dilemmat som Lukas stod inför. Att hålla saker och ting hemliga för de man bor med och som har räddat ens liv (i stort sett, eftersom de gav honom någonstans att bo) kan bli fel och kännas jäkligt onödigt när man läser det. Tycker jag i alla fall. Men denna gång är det verkligen Lukas osäkerhet i uppväxten och hans bror som gör det hela trovärdigt. Han är ändå en ärlig, omtänksam själ som tänker på andras välmående före sitt eget (även om han är fast i sitt huvud en hel del). R...

Most Eligible Billionaire by Annika Martin

Author: Annika Martin Title: Most Eligible Billionaire Publisher: (Unsure about the audiobook) Published: 2017 Genre: Contemporary romance Links:  Bokus  /  Amazon  /  Goodreads My first read by Annika Martin was The Billionaire's Wake-up-call Girl (that's really a mouthful). I loved the dynamic between the characters, the Alpha billionaire, the fun, the passion, the heat. It's the same with this one. Let me tell you, Martin is fun and knows how to write dirty talk. She also knows how to write a douchy dick hero and still make us love him. Because gah, how much of a douche Henry was in the beginning, like, I wanted to kick his balls in so bad. But then, oh, then. *le sigh* Redemption. But let's rewind: Vicky is a true star in this book - she's smart, fierce, loyal and always tries to do the right thing. Raising her teenage sister by herself isn't all fun and roses, but she does it splendidly. But she went through a traumatizing event in her own...