Author: Beverly Jenkins Title: Tempest Series: Old West #3 Publisher: Avon Published: 2018 Genre: Historical romance Links: Bokus / Adlibris / Goodreads My first Beverly Jenkins was , can you believe it, a recommendation from another bookstagrammer. Whaaaa, how can this be?! Well, I'm reading a lot - and I mean a lot - of white romance. I don't know why, maybe it just comes naturally? Anyway, I'm sick of myself only choosing books with white protags. I read A Gentleman Never Keeps Score by the glorious Cat Sebastian, which has a black protagonist and I thought to myself "When's the last time I read a book with a main character who wasn't white?". The answer? Way too long! So, it's a good think I've got @now_booking showing me the error of my ways, spouting out black romance books left and right *clapping hands woop*. Her Beverly Jenkins-binge inspired me to listen to one of the two audiobooks I had saved on my audiobook service. An...
A bookish blog by a rambling reader