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Black history, family and sweet, sweet love by Beverly Jenkins

Tempest (Old West, #3)Author: Beverly Jenkins
Title: Tempest
Series: Old West #3
Publisher: Avon
Published: 2018
Genre: Historical romance
Links: Bokus / Adlibris / Goodreads

My first Beverly Jenkins was, can you believe it, a recommendation from another bookstagrammer. Whaaaa, how can this be?! Well, I'm reading a lot - and I mean a lot - of white romance. I don't know why, maybe it just comes naturally? Anyway, I'm sick of myself only choosing books with white protags. I read A Gentleman Never Keeps Score by the glorious Cat Sebastian, which has a black protagonist and I thought to myself "When's the last time I read a book with a main character who wasn't white?". The answer? Way too long!
So, it's a good think I've got @now_booking showing me the error of my ways, spouting out black romance books left and right *clapping hands woop*. Her Beverly Jenkins-binge inspired me to listen to one of the two audiobooks I had saved on my audiobook service. And it was a good one!

Regan travels to the unknown to be the bride of the local doctor, Colton Lee. Their first meeting could go better, since she ends up shooting him. Such things tends to happen in the Old West, though *shrug*. Even after that rocky start, the two decide to make it official, since she finds him hot and capable and caring towards his daughter and he finds her intriguing and his daughter needs a kind mother.

This one is filled with emotions, family life and passion. I liked seeing Colt coming out of his shell a bit and learning more of life (that women do like orgasms, for example *gasppppp*). I also liked how Regan was all kinds of capable. There's a lot of talk about heroines with relatable flaws, but Regan - except for being kind of messy in one place of the house and perhaps a bit fond of shopping - is never shown particularly flawed. She's can shoot, ride, fish, cook, clean, is a great mother, take-no-shit but also caring wife, good in the sack (when they get to it, that is) and respectable of others. She's also kind, open-minded and passionate. And I liked it!

What could have been done a bit differently is the intrigues. A lot of things happens and builds up and then fizzle out kind of anti-climatically. It's not a roller-coaster, but a slow, sizzling story about falling in love, both romantically and as a family. It is a book that deals with the racism after the ends of slavery, not only towards black people, but native Americans and the Chinese as well.

I recommend this to everyone who likes passionate historical romance with hands-on heroines but wants to get away from the British aristocrats a bit. And who isn't afraid of topics like racism and dehumanization.

4 of 5 denims

/ Denise


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