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Könsroller, vänskap och kärlek av Anna Ahlund

Författare: Anna Ahlund Titel: Ganska nära sanningen Förlag :  Rabén  & Sjögren Genre: Ungdomsroman Länkar:  Bokus  |  Adlibris  |  Goodreads Jordnära mysläsning med starka karaktärer. Denna bok gjorde mig helt enkelt glad ☺️ Vi får lära känna Nico när hen flyttar till sin faster, Valenka, startar en ny skola, ett nytt liv i Uppsala. Snabbt träffar hen vänner, men främst Beata är en personlighet som sticker ut. Jag gillade verkligen deras växande vänskap, hur de lärde känna varandra och hur de gjorde misstag. Och det blev väldigt uppenbart hur lätt det är att säga och göra något sårande utan att mena det. Det händer inte mycket i boken, utan det är mer fokus på Nico och hens utveckling och på relationen med Beata. Väldigt bra och enkelt berättat om ett perspektiv på könsroller och att tvingas på etiketter. Jag uppskattar Ahlunds förmåga att berätta om viktiga ämnen utan att "köra upp det i ansiktet" på en. Frågor som könsroller, norme...
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Småstadsromans med tuffa beslut av Simona Ahrnstedt

Författare: Simona Ahrnstedt Titel: Bara lite till Förlag: Bokförlaget Forum Genre: Romance Länkar:  Bokus  |  Adlibris  |  Goodreads Simona Ahrnstedt är och förblir drottningen av svensk romance. Det är liksom inget att fundera på. Även om hon stadigt får konkurrenter (som min personliga favorit Heléne Holmström). Med det sagt föll denna småstadsromance lite platt för mig. Låt mig förklara: Stella är en storstadskvinna som nyss blivit dumpad, hemlös och arbetslös. Hon är inte riktigt på humör, kan man säga och tar sitt pick och pack (alltså, typ två klädesplagg och sin älskade handväska och ett par sjukt snygga, men opraktiska skor) och drar till Laholm, där hennes morföräldrars stuga väntar på henne. Hon har inte varit där på sisådär tjugo år, men det kvittar, för det är bara ett pitstop innan den verkliga drömmen om designskola i New York tar fasta. Fast det kan ju förklara varför den nätta, mysiga stugan i hennes rosenskimrande minnen mest liknar ett...

Demons, camp war and some love by Axelle Lenoir

Author: Axelle Lenoir Title:  Camp Spirit Publisher: IDW Publishing/Top Shelf Productions Published: 2020 Genre: Graphic novel Links:  Adlibris  /  Bokus  /  Goodreads Let's start out with saying , I enjoyed this graphic novel. A bunch! The illustrations: Perfect for the story. I loved how the Camp Chief was portrayed as well and Elodie's little red-headed devils. The funny was funny, the scary was scary, the romantic was romantic. The characters: Loved seeing Elodie come out of her shell and getting to know Catherine and seeing their friendship bloom even though E is a bit reluctant. The rest of the counselors show off their personalities well even though they don't have that much on page time. The red-headed devils are hilarious and sweet and scary all at once and they should have had more page time. The story : Intriguing. It's not a flowery story, it's not a cozy camp summer with lazing around. But it also isn't a horrible camp st...

Angst, love and hot firemen by Annabeth Albert

Author: Annabeth Albert Title:  Burn Zone Publisher: Carina Press Published: 2020 Genre: Contemporary m/m romance Links:  Amazon  /  Bookdepository  /  Goodreads Burn Zone will be published April 27th I'm writing this review as someone who loves Annabeth Albert's books. I love the diversity and the different set of characters she's managing to create. This book has no less diversity or lacks all that much in the characters. But it wasn't for me. For someone who loves pining and internal angst, this is perfect. For me, who likes angst in the small dosage and only if it's done well, wasn't the hugest fan. Nothing much happens besides Jacob's struggles to be seen as an adult, his ever-present attraction to Linc and Linc's struggles with survivor's guilt, promises he's made and the steadily growing adoration/infatuation/attraction/love he has for Jacob. And sure, there's some training, steamy sex scenes (those are always up to task ...

Epic love story, Jane Austen-style by Huda Fahmy

Author: Huda Fahmy Title:  That Can be Arranged Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing Published: 2020 Genre: Graphic novel Links:  Adlibris  /  Bokus  /  Goodreads Huda Fahmy brings it once again. Having loved her Instagram-feed and previous book [book:Yes, I'm Hot in This: The Hilarious Truth about Life in a Hijab|40538900], of course I had to read this one as soon as it arrived at work. Judge me all you want, but I read this instead of working (although I do work as a librarian, so it could count as work), as I did with the other one. And this was good. I loved little Huda and her parents. I also liked how she described her thoughts about marriage, going from longing for it, to being kind of reluctant, to believing getting married was what defined her, to realizing a man and marriage doesn't make her a better or more worthy person. I loved her discovery of Jane Austen-novels and how she could see herself, her family and her situation through thes...

Steamy, sexy, romantic and sweet by Rachel Reid

Author: Rachel Reid Title:  Heated Rivalry Publisher: Carina Press Published: 2019 Genre: Contemporary/sports romance Links:  Amazon  /  Storytel  /  Goodreads Would you look at that, yet another book that has been read because I spend too much time on social media. This time @escape_in_a_book is the felon who made this book present in my tbr. She told us that this is one of the best M/M-romances she's ever read and the  best sports romance. I tend to agree. Not being majorly interested in sports, I don't usually go for it in romance, either. But it happens. This time, I'm glad it did. Heated Rivalry starts out with a hockey game from Shane's POV. It leads to defeat and then a sexual encounter with his biggest rival - Ilya Rozanov. Apparently, this is a thing they do and have done for seven years. Then we're taken back to their first encounter and it all goes down(hill) from there. This book was a pure delight. Being kind of sick of dram...

Hotness, Islam and bigotry with Huda Fahmy

Author: Huda Fahmy Title:  Yes, I'm Hot in This Publisher: Adams Media Published: 2018 Genre: Collection of comics Links:  Adlibris  /  Bokus  /  Goodreads I am white. Like, ridiculously so. My parents are white. My grand-parents are white. Their parents were white. My husband's white. My kids are so pale and blond, it hurts my eyes to look at them directly when the sun's out. I don't have many friends, but those I have are also white and have a whole line of white people in their families. I am born into a Christian church, but I'm not religious by any stretch of the imagination if you don't count celebrating Christmas. I'm also embarrassingly straight and of a moderate size - not thin, not fat. It's safe to say I'm not one who should talk about discrimination and have very little experience with it. I have very rarely even experienced discrimination towards myself as a woman. That's why I find it so important, for myself, to read book...