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Angst, love and hot firemen by Annabeth Albert

Burn Zone (Hotshots, #1)Author: Annabeth Albert
Title: Burn Zone
Publisher: Carina Press
Published: 2020
Genre: Contemporary m/m romance
Links: Amazon / Bookdepository / Goodreads

Burn Zone will be published April 27th

I'm writing this review as someone who loves Annabeth Albert's books. I love the diversity and the different set of characters she's managing to create. This book has no less diversity or lacks all that much in the characters. But it wasn't for me.

For someone who loves pining and internal angst, this is perfect. For me, who likes angst in the small dosage and only if it's done well, wasn't the hugest fan. Nothing much happens besides Jacob's struggles to be seen as an adult, his ever-present attraction to Linc and Linc's struggles with survivor's guilt, promises he's made and the steadily growing adoration/infatuation/attraction/love he has for Jacob. And sure, there's some training, steamy sex scenes (those are always up to task in an Albert book), family time and jumps out of airplanes, but generally it's a slow paced book with lots of time in Linc's and Jacob's heads.

While I liked Jacob quite much - even though he's younger by 10 years, he feels like the emotionally mature one. Growing up in a loving, but not quite accepting of his sexuality or choices in life, family, he's determined to step out of his dead brother's, Wyatt's, shadow and be seen as himself. This is understandable, since his brother seemed to be walking the fine line one does when being a likable jerk.

Linc... I didn't understand. He's supposed to have had a tough childhood and we get to hear some about it and how Wyatt saved his life multiple times. He's going around with constant guilt and some kind of hero worship for a guy who couldn't even accept his sexuality - which was something Linc kept on quiet about anyway. Maybe because his best friend and extra-family would never accept him? (spoiler: yes)

Anyway, it's not a bad book - I don't think Albert can write a book I distaste. But it was definitely one of the more lukewarm ones and I found myself not caring that much about what happens to the characters.


/ Denise


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