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Josh and Hazel's Guide to Not Dating by Christina Lauren

40189670Author: Christina Lauren
Title: Josh and Hazels Guide to not Dating
Genre: Contemporary romance
Publisher: Gallery Books

I saw that someone described this book as "pure fun" and I have to agree. Hazel is such a wonderful character and I loved how she loved herself. Sure, she was quite adamant that she was a bit loony, but she was also determined not to change for a man. You go, of course you shouldn't change for a man. Be you. Josh is also a great guy, funny, thoughtful and respectful.

What did you like about the book? Well, honestly, almost everything. It's not a complicated story with lots of intrigue, lies, action or anything and that's absolutely perfect. This is a book about Hazel and Josh getting to know each other. Becoming friends. Falling in love. It also has one of my favorite tropes - opposites attract! I adore watching people who are so completely different falling for each other, realizing they are still compatible and respect each other for their differences. I love how natural the entire thing is in this book.

Almost everything? Yes, there was one thing that made me a bit uneasy. How Hazel practically worships Josh. And people, including Hazel, says as much on multiple occasions. Yeah, that was my one negative thing about this book. Josh never took advantage of the fact that she worshipped him and that's what matters, I guess. Oh, I'm not so fond of how things ended, but the epilogue does include a little boy dressed as a Disney-princess, so I'm good.

Why should I read this? If you're looking for a fun, easy read with characters with great chemistry and respect for each other, I'd say - pick this up. Christina Lauren's writing style should be reason enough.

4 of 5 double dates

/ Denise


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